Once Again, The Day Is Saved…by the Alameda Daily Noose and Me!

No, no, no need to thank us, Ma'am; it's all in a day's work for the Alameda Daily Noose and me.
Small Town News --- No issue too small!
The Alameda Daily Noose and I are proud to announce that from now on, the glorious flag of Alameda will forever fly on the masthead of our soon-to-be-award-winning daily noosepaper. This should effectively counteract the unpatriotic displays of garish red, white and blue flags that some of the so-called local media sport at the expense of what should be our top priority: our loyalty to Alameda.
Unlike our good, honest Alameda flag, that stripy thing is the same flag that flies atop the skyscrapers of big cities, big cities like...Manhattan! The Alameda Daily Noose and I see no difference whatsoever between hoisting that banner and personally piloting a bulldozer down each side of Grand St. and personally laying the first bricks for the foundations of those skyscrapers that our Manhattanite arch-nemesis so desperately wants to build.
And let's not forget what spangly abomination waved over the White House during the administration of Everyone's Least-Favorite President—you know, the one with the big nose and the even bigger cheeseburger habit, the one who was personally responsible for closing down the Naval Air Station. I ask you, are those the kinds of values that we want to represent with the flags that we raise proudly in Alameda?
So, loyal readers, when you see the flag of Alameda flying majestically on our masthead, remember, you are right-thinking Alamedans first and Americans only incidentally. Yes, this constant reminder of what makes our Treasured Island great is our gift to you, yours to keep. You're welcome.
The Alameda Daily Noose and I have it on good authority that our work has been mentioned on one of those Boring, Lame Online Gossip Shops (B.L.O.G.S.) that nobody reads, out there in the interweb tubes. It seems that somebody is upset at the Alameda Daily Noose for printing a supposedly offensive image, even labeling the mere inclusion of the image in this Noosepaper a "hate crime." As right-thinking Alamedans are already aware, it is fierce and undying love that motivates every noble journalistic effort presented here. The Noose does not, I repeat, does not promote hatred toward anyone or anything on Chuck Corica's Green Earth. Except Squirrels, of course. And Bagpipes, we can't forget them. Not to mention people regularly parking in front of my house. Oh, and we're not too fond of those little plastic lids that never stay on the take-out coffee properly, either. But other than that, nothing. Or at least nothing we can think of right now.
The presence of an image of an unpleasant object in no way constitutes a statement of the Noose's opinion on any issue. We are committed to bringing all local matters of scant import to the attention of our loyal readers, whether the subject is shocking or not. Of course, since shocking pictures draw more readers, it is our duty to include them whenever possible. The people of Alameda have spoken, and since we already knew what they were going to say, we are well prepared to satisfy their desire for shocking, disturbing, controversial images. For your enjoyment, we've put together an encore presentation of a number of shocking images carefully gleaned from our microfiche archives of past editions of the Alameda Daily Noose. They are sure to upset and titillate our readers and critics alike. The controversy stirred up by these images is sure to shoot our circulation through the roof! Without a further do, here are the images:
Dear Rog:
I am writing to tell you that I am offended by the title of your newspaper site, Alameda Daily Noose.
Is it the word Alameda? Of course not! (Though if I were you I would double-check to see if the word is exclusively used in the publishing world to refer to our fair city and not used to refer to other cities, which might confuse people.)
Is it because of the word "noose", which may, to ranchers, invoke images of a rope device used to capture innocent farm animals? (And was once used generations ago, to administer capital punishment - thank goodness our society is past all that and that only the most backwards countries in the world still subscribe to this philosophy. But I digress!)
Oh no, something much worse that offends my sensitive nose - it is the word "Daily" in your newspaper's name!
For shame, Rog. You and I both know that although your skin glistens like the sun, and you radiate benevolent energy upon all of us here in Alameda, that you do not publish your newspaper DAILY. Far from it. Sometimes you go for days without a new edition, and sometimes you even publish more than once in one day.
You have no idea how much this offends me as a person who has a calendar on her desk, and a clock on her wall. Have you no shame?
And while I'm at it, I'd like to insinuate something. Did you notice my rich visual metaphors? Yes, I have found you out -- that you are not actually the publisher of the ADN, but are actually a FRONT for other subversive types here in Alameda. Just do a google search for "alamedadailynoose.blogspot.com" and right under your links to yourself, guess what website comes up - Yes, the Alameda SUN! As somebody who has worked in the tech industry since 1997 - that's 70 dog-years - I know what I'm talking about when it comes to web-based evidence and the game is up! You, Rog, are not who you say you are. You are the Sun. And, come to think of it, I am the Moon. You are the words - I am the tune. Play me!
But I digress again! I have a new, modern, exciting suggestion for your newspaper name: The Alameda Every-Few-Days Taser. I challenge you to change your name!
Luna C. Chillwether
Editor's Comments: Mrs. Chillwether is obviously a raving loony. By suggesting that everyone take the word "daily" literally, she is trying to turn back the clock to the dark days of Dickensian Alameda, when men and their trusty noosepapers toiled in dank and dripping newsrooms, the paper cuts scarring their fingers in ever more intricate webs, as if the news were etching itself into their beings—when they rose before noon and fell wearily into bed around dusk, without so much as a break for elevenses before a meager lunch at Ole's Gruel and Hardtack Hovel. How quickly she has forgotten how the Alameda Daily Noose and I banded together to form a union, and how we struggled to wring concessions from our tyrannical exploiters, the Alameda Daily Noose and me. We shed our blood and tears to win those weekends off, not to mention additional medical leave for our prune-based health care plan, and now Mrs. Chillwether would have us give all that up just because of something she found in a so-called dictionary? Shame!
We begin today's installment with yet another scoop. Today, Thursday, September 20, 2007 A.D., the Alameda Daily Publication, one of Alameda's Boring, Lame On-Line Gossip Shops, or B.L.O.G.S., finally got around to reporting the story on the City's shameful cover-up of its earlier John...Knox...Whitewashing job on the big vertical sign on the Alameda Theatre, a full three days after the Alameda Daily Noose (which is a soon-to-be-award-winning daily noosepaper, not one of those B.L.O.G.S.) and I published our Pulitzer-eligible exposé on the very same subject. It must be a slow news week indeed at the "Alameda" Daily Publication when all it can dig up in the way of Alameda daily news are a few grumpy letters to the editor, a warmed-over press release, and a copycat story three days past its "sell-by" date. Normally, the Alameda Daily Noose and I would cluck our tongues in admonition, but despicable B.L.O.G.S. like the A.D.P. are not even worthy of our tut-tut-tutting.
I just finished watching a documentary film that refutes all of the so-called arguments recently made by Blythe Ergot - if that is her real name - who obviously does not live in Alameda, because she clearly does not understand how unique Alameda is. This groundbreaking film, appropriately entitled "From Hell It Came," shows exactly where Alameda will be headed if tree-huggers like Blythe Ergot have their way: that's right, H-E-double-hockey-stick.
As this documentary clearly illustrates, the extreme dangers of trees to idyllic island communities have been well known since the late 1950's, yet our Mayor and Council Majority remain blind to the arboreal threat. Although anthropomorphic tree stumps may have a certain noble air about them, "From Hell It Came" teaches us that we trust them at our peril. Wherever trees roam unchecked, The Children are at risk, to say nothing of our buxom young maidens with the alluring flowers in their hair.
Dave Williamson
This Friday, in a shocking de facto admission of wrongdoing, the City of Alameda effectively issued a retraction of its John...Knox...Whitewashing of the so-called restoration of the Alameda Theatre in conjunction with the construction of the Super-Mega-Monster-Plex that Everyone Hates. No doubt in reaction to the hard-hitting investigative report published on September 11, 2007, by the Alameda Daily Noose and me, the City began a hasty cover-up of the John...Knox...White paint on the Alameda Theatre's big vertical sign with a guilt-ridden shade of green. Tch, tch, tch - pretty bad when the "City" can't even pick the correct hue in its "clarification" of the Theatre's color scheme! All right-thinking Alamedans know that the only acceptable pigmentation for any part of the historic Alameda Theatre is that noblest of all colors, yellow - or, perhaps, black. Shame!
Is there really so little news in Alameda that you have to fill space by criticizing the lack of bagpipe news in a print newspaper? As the old Avery family saying goes, "Let he who is without spin toss the first caber." I've realised that your stories tend to be slanted in an anti-bagpipe direction, whereas the Fly-Swatter's bagpipe stories are informative without resorting to a great deal of personal attacks or speculation. That last one (and I believe it was actually 13 days ago, and not 12 or 14 as your story and headline conflictingly reported it) was a fine reminder of the bagpipe's role in a satisfying summer festival.
The build-up of bagpipes in Alameda is really not as great a problem as some people seem to believe. Of course, I'll be the first to admit that I don't enjoy a drive-by piping at 3 a.m., nor having to wait at a streetcorner until a procession of pipe bands clears the intersection, so that I can cross, but there are also many advantages to living in a town that supports diverse multicultural musical activity.
Roy Avery
Editor's Comments: Maybe this addle-headed peatback, who can't even get his facts straight, hasn't been in Alameda long enough to realize that around here, we spell "realise (sic)" with a "z," not an "s," and certainly not a "zed." Why, the Alameda Daily Noose and I have half a mind to give our arch-nemesis Roy Avery a tch-tch-tching he won't soon forget, a tut-tut-tutting the likes of which he has never seen, a tsk-tsk-tsking so fierce that it that will wipe that smirk right off his freckled face! Fortunately for this Bagpipe-hugger, the other half of the Alameda Daily Noose's and my mind is so looking forward to our morning bowl of Raisin Bran and glass of prune juice that it has forgotten what all of the fuss was about. You may have won this one, Avery, but mark our words, we'll get you next time!
On Friday, August 31, 2007, the Alameda Fly-Swatter published one news story about Bagpipes. During the subsequent 14 days, the Fly-Swatter has published no news stories about Bagpipes. Any Alameda daily news publication that downplays the Bagpipe threat and fails to lavish sufficient praise on Alameda's Tartan-limiting "Measure Angus" has not earned the right to use the word "Alameda" in its name. Tch, tch, tch!
I am SHOCKED at recent reports that the city council is forming a sub-committee for the sole purpose of overturning Alameda's Squirrel-limiting "Measure Acorn." Sure, they SAY they are only looking at removing moldy old language from the city charter, like the provision for the "Secret Police Fund," established by an enthusiastic and very snappily dressed group of German immigrants in 1937. Well, first of all, I'm not entirely sure we should get rid of the Secret Police. Nobody knows what they're doing, but whatever it is, it must be working, because people can walk their dogs at night without fear of Zeppelin attacks. We should probably keep them around, just to be on the safe side.
Wait, where was I? Oh, right, the "Measure Acorn" sub-committee! As the president of the Alameda Cultural Heritage Education Society, I can assure you that if Chuck Corica was still mayor, he wouldn't have put up with these Shenanigans - and I will use that word, Shenanigans. All right-thinking Alamedans know about the exact replica of Mayor Corica's barber shop enshrined in the most popular A.C.H.E.S. exhibit, but not many know what is on display in the small brick-walled courtyard out behind City Hall:
Although Chuck Corica never actually used these during his administration, everybody knows that if anybody had even THOUGHT about forming something like this "Measure Acorn" sub-committee, they would have been strung up faster than you could say "shave and a haircut"! The very fact that he was ready and willing to do it meant he never had to. Unfortunately, today the Chuck Corica Memorial Gallows are just another moth-eaten A.C.H.E.S. exhibit, and the only Noose that evildoers today have to fear is of the Alameda Daily variety.
Janice Lighter-Merv
Editor's Comments:
On Friday, August 31, 2007, the Alameda Fly-Swatter published one news story about Bagpipes. During the subsequent 3 days, the Fly-Swatter has published no news stories about Bagpipes. Subscribers and daily purchasers of the Alameda Fly-Swatter are not getting their money's worth and are being bamboozled into purchasing the paper by its title of Alameda Fly-Swatter, mistakenly believing that they will be able to read news stories about Bagpipes and other menaces kept in check Alameda's all-important Tartan-limiting "Measure Angus." Shame on the Alameda Fly-Swatter for shirking its responsibility to report news stories about the ominously inflated threat that Bagpipes pose to our Treasured Island. The misleading title Alameda Fly-Swatter should be changed to what it actually is - the Oakland Cage Liner - or, if there were any truth in advertising, the Not-from-Alameda Peace-and-Quiet-Destroying Bagpipe-Hugger!
Roger Grumbel