Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Some Clueless Writer Lady Claims Beka Mackeggie Is Not a Moron


I'm surprised that the Alameda Daily Noose has been devoting so much space to insulting Beka Mackeggie. Beka Mackeggie is not a moron. I have met Beka at several literary functions in Alameda, and found her to be intelligent, thoughtful, and in no way bent on destroying our town through wanton use of humor.

It's hard to believe that this is the same noosepaper that gave its kind support to my most recent work, Devil in a Kilt. I thought you were interested in encouraging our island's diverse literary talents, but I fail to see how name-calling advances the art of letters. Perhaps if the name-calling were in the form of iambic verse, as it is in the works of that great Alamedan poet, Alexander MacPope, I could see some good in it. As it is, however, I see none. I think you do a disservice to your readers when you publish nothing but artless insults in a given day or week.

Please, raise your standards a little, even if it means not publishing absolutely every letter you receive, and restore the literary sheen to your once-proud noosepaper.

Thank you,
Seventh-Generation Alamedan Danielle MacSteele

Editor's Comments:

The Alameda Daily Noose and I want to be sure you noticed how impartial we are. We publish every letter we receive, and as you can see from the example above, even those writers who don't fully understand our great noosepaper still praise it.

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