Open Letter to Alameda Community Theater from Inaction Alameda
Following is a late-breaking grumpy letter to the editor reprinted from yesterday's edition of the Inaction Alameda News. Stay tuned for updates from the Alameda Daily Noose and me as this grumpiness develops.
Dear Editor,
AN OPEN LETTER TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ALAMEDA COMMUNITY THEATER FROM "SAVE OUR SOCK-PUPPETS! ALAMEDA" (S.O.S.-P.!A.):The leadership of the Alameda Community Theater has rejected the request of several members of the community to allow an actor from S.O.S.-P.!A. to perform an alternative musical production to the insipid comedy You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. We are surprised and, frankly, shocked—shocked!—that this decision was made. An actor from S.O.S.-P.!A. was prepared to perform all the parts in a more serious, more appropriate musical for Alameda and we thought that in the interest of balanced dramatic self-expression it would be welcomed. The overwhelming majority of Alameda residents are not cheerful so much as grumpy, so no light-hearted musical is going to adequately fulfill the entertainment and art-appreciation needs of our town.
Hearing both sides of the spectrum in musical theater is certainly in the interest of members of the community if they are to make an intelligent decision about which kind is better—musical comedy or musical tragedy. We are prepared to perform our favorite musical tragedy side-by-side, on the same stage, with the next performance by the Alameda Community Theater so that all Alamedans can decide for themselves which type of play is better for Alameda. We trust that the members of the Community Theater will act responsibly in the interest of drama which depends on the audience's willingness to buy tickets to support it.
We are thankful that there is such a Right-Thinking publication as the Inaction Alameda News in this town, willing to print hard-hitting grumpy letters to the editor like this one. The credit is, no doubt, due to you, the excellent editor of this journalistic masterpiece. Thank you for asking the tough questions in your interviews with local luminaries like media magnate Dave Williamson, and doing such infallible research on subjects such as the woeful state of sandwiches and theater in Alameda.
Sincerely you,
Dave Williamson
Inaction Alameda News
Dave Williamson
Ace Reporter
Inaction Alameda News
Dave Williamson
President, Vice-President, Chairman, and Publisher
Inaction Alameda News
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