Monday, March 9, 2009

Alamedan Displays Impressive Cobweb Collection

The Alameda Daily Noose and I have discovered that there is still a barn located on what used to be agricultural land on Bay Farm Island. Although it is completely disused, the barn houses the largest known collection of cobwebs in the city. After much cajoling, the owner of the barn (who wishes to remain anonymous) agreed to allow tours of the cobwebs on alternate Thursdays of any month ending with the letter "h," as long as no-one touches anything.

The barn's owner is considering replacing it with a combination garage and hot-tub, but has agreed to allow the cobwebs to be transported to the Alameda Museum for permanent display. So, if you want to see the cobwebs in situ, you'll have to hurry. Apparently, the owner has already begun the permit process for his project, so the barn may be gone as soon as May of 2012.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dang, I was hoping we could use these for the next Rhythmix Fright Night...