Roger Rates Recent Interwebcasts
Roger's ratings of meetings initially interwebcast in the past 14 days, with the most recent shown in green:
Corica Have Mercy:
This Is an Outrage:
City of Alameda Public Utilities Board September 21, 2009
Editor's Comments:
This has to be the most boring meeting video the Alameda Daily Noose and I have ever seen. For six hours, all we saw was the following message:
The system was unable to find an appropriate server for the content you requested, the content may be behind a firewall or may be in the process of transferring to a distribution server. Please try again later.Patience indeed! One would think that the Municipal Power Commission would be a little more concerned that some of their equipment is apparently on fire behind some kind of wall, but no; instead of decisive action, we have six whole hours of bureaucratic gobbledygook. Isn't it time we mounted a campaign to recall these bums?
Thank you for your patience.

So Many Things to Get Annoyed About:
Regular Transportation Commission September 23, 2009
Editor's Comments:
Where to begin? The Conveyance Committee is at it again, with another five-hour propaganda broadcast pushing everything from boats to sunsets to orange cones and the outrageous traffic delays they wreak. Whose idea was it to create a bureau whose sole responsibility is to delay traffic in Alameda?

Run-of-the-Mill Shenanigans:
Regular Meeting of the Planning Board September 28, 2009

Nothing Worth Complaining About:
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